CAMES is a world class simulation center with dedicated state-of the art facilities equipped with virtual reality simulators, mannequin-based simulators, and wet-laboratories with provision for live animal and cadaver training. CAMES
offers more than 50 evidenced-based training programs following the mastery learning approach and is a leading center for technical simulation research with more than 60 publications annually.
It is the mission of Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation (CAMES) to stand for education, research and development with the ultimate goal of promoting the quality and safety of patient care.
It is the vision of CAMES to develop and provide evidence-based programs for healthcare professionals at a top international level.

CAMES Rigshospitalet was founded in 2004. It is a research, development and service provider for pre-graduate and postgraduate health education at the University of Copenhagen, and the postgraduate medical training at the Capital Region
of Denmark. CAMES offers many courses including basic procedural skills, resuscitation skills, and patient encounter skills trained using simulated patients.

CAMES Rigshospitalet was founded in 2004. It is a research, development and service provider for pre-graduate and postgraduate health education at the University of Copenhagen, and the postgraduate medical training at the Capital Region
of Denmark. CAMES offers many courses including basic procedural skills, resuscitation skills, and patient encounter skills trained using simulated patients.

CAMES has a strong research and development profile, mainly within medical education and simulation.
List of publications